domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013

This month Gossip: September 2013

Gossip has been always part of the human communication. We all do it in our language and codes; crew have their own codes. This month gossip:

Lufthansa about Alitalia: there is something called watch and another thing called time, they match.

Alitalia about United Airlines: do they come with a silent mode?

United Airlines about Malaysia Airline: they look adoooorable in their uuuuuuniformssss.

Malaysia Airlines about Qantas: I wish I were that blond.

Qantas about Etihad Airways: can you surf in Abu Dhabi?

Etihad Airways about Qatar: I made it through the Assessment and I didn´t have to use plan “C”.

Qatar about Singapore Airlines: they look so naturally happy.

Singapore Airlines about British Airways: they could smile a little more often, it doesn´t hurt and it´s for free.

British Airways about Air France: we already had our Concorde moment, that was it.

(I don´t own the above picture)

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