martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014

I should paint eyes on my shirt

Cause they stare right at them and my eyes are on my head

(I don´t own the above picture)

Top 5 passengers to travel with: 2nd of December 2014

At the end of each month I´ll give you a small resume of my top 5 and bottom 5 passengers’ nationalities to work with

1)      Japanese: this simple humanoid robots are the state-of-the-art when it comes to traveling. Not only they are quiet beyond silence but also clean beyond soap. Perfectly timed to check in and board they respect rules and the other as if it were to be the most precious thing that they would ever meet. Following a strict criteria of grooming and unprecedented folding-pack-away they know how-to travel in comfort. Style goes beyond than wearing the latest Prada bag when you have to go for a 13 hour flight. Style goes with comfort and both must be a perfect balance, Japanese achieve this with almost no effort whatsoever. Best flights are to Japan.

2)      South-Koreans: even so they still continue to be a very close society when it comes to foreigners (from my personal point of view), they respect all rules of social and personal etiquette. Well groomed and on-time passengers they travel exactly with what they need but sometimes they over-shop in the Duty Free. A flight from Soul is a chapel, not only for how quiet it is but also for how sainted you might feel as a crew. This creatures know their way in the airport even so they might be first time travelers – a joy of travel

3)      Finish: style – yes; education – top nudge. It has always surprised me the fact of how cultured and open minded Finish culture is regarding traveling and the world. They respect your work as a crew and don’t over push the capacity of your skills in almost any of your flights. Most of them know how to speak fluently at least 4 languages and their amazing virtue for education comes hand by hand with the fact of respect for human decency. Traveling with them is like going with a human talking Lonely Planet.

4)      Germans: on time – precision in the tik and tok. Without hesitation their culture is all about precision and the value of time. Time is money and it can’t be wasted, as for this in any of my flights I ever had a German come up late or as a “non-show”. They not only respect minutes as if they were to be gold but also understand that the abuse of it may harm others. Respect and silence is a must for them, if you say it you do it.

5)       Grey-zone > Thai: this super friendly culture may have to opposite that are very extreme from my point of view. Or they might be very warm and well educated or very ignorant and dirty minded. Depending in the flight and each passenger I may have a totally different anecdote. Once again, is all a matter of luck.

(I don´t own the above picture)

Bottom 5 passengers to travel with: 2nd of December 2014

At the end of each month I´ll give you a small resume of my top 5 and bottom 5 passengers’ nationalities to work with

1)      Indians: yes, they still are in the top of the list. Why? To start with the reel of their ignorance brings a never ending list of bad habits, from spitting to smelling and a billion grays in between. Women have no idea what female hygiene is and this is the main problem. Some are afraid of wearing pads when menstruating and they try to hide that because it may be consider as something to be shame about. Men as they want to be the “macho alpha” treat others as if they were scum or something inferior, especially when it comes to service. You have no idea how many times in the same flight I was treated as their own personal slave. How? Words and sentences as “thank you” or “your welcome” doesn’t exist in their vocabulary, not because they don’t know how to speak the basic English but mainly because someone like me is not worthy of those words.

2)      Chinese: “ni hao” and a rumble stamped come during boarding. Smashing others passenger’s belongings in the overhead compartments, blocking aisles, jumping the bathroom queue is just one of the many succulent behaviors that may be seen. Is not that they are ignorant; it’s the fact that they want to take advantage of every situation as if it were to be life or death. Rules are bend into their favor (in their own little minds) and even so you might repeat politely that they must buckle their seatbelts during take-off or landing they look right at you as if they couldn’t understand what you are saying. Never I will forget, not very long time ago, in Auckland when in immigrations agents asked and showed through cards which items were not allowed to enter New Zealand without being declared to a relative old Chinese couple. They shook their head and said “no”. When all of their belonging (they were many card boxes) went through the scanning machine, a Woolworth / Jumbo of herbs and fruits showed up. They play stupid and may put your nerves to the bear top of your patience.

3)      Nigerians: I still can’t personally stand up the fact that men want to pretend that they are much more “men” than they truly are. In my flights to Lagos it’s a repeated story to watch how a husband treats his wife as if she were to be nothing more than a carry on item. Sad to believe and even hear (even so I don’t speak Nigerian) their values towards others. Also the fact of hygiene is something that really concerned me (especially due to the Ebola outbreak), they spit food and eat with their hands. Alcohol in gel – 4 small bottles in a row in each flight

4)      Brits: generally speaking they have spiked to the front of the row for a liver transplant. Bear and more bear, gin and whisky. The bar in all of my flights is packed with red swollen faces and glasses must be always filled to the top. One glass, two glasses, three, four and they simply won’t pass out. If they were to be the etiquette drunks I might say “okay, not a problem” but generally speaking this is not the case. Why? They start shouting and spitting saliva while they do. Some become “touchy” and even unbearable to attend.

5)      Grey-zone > Southafricans: not entirely polite not entirely rude. Deepening in the flight and the historical background (general speaking) of the overall manifesto it may be a very peaceful journey or an erratic mixture of a blend of the alcoholic Brit culture with the nasty behavior of Nigerians.  

(I don´t own the above picture)

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

In 24 hours

Top 5 and Bottom 5 – keep your seatbelt fasten!

(I don´t own the above picture)

Employee of the year:

Automated Coffee Machine with Red Lipstick

(I don´t own the above picture)

I wish:

That you get hit by a stampede of trolleys

(I don´t own the above picture)

Dear Santa Claus,

Do you remember me? The blond skinny girl who went to church every Sunday until she was 16 and then starting doing community work for UNICEF? Well, I understand that you are a very busy person with a lot of things in your agenda: watching out that your toy-fabric doesn’t collapse due to the fact that the North Pole is melting due to Greenhouse effects or that your reindeers are not accidentally shot down midair. Nevertheless I know that you will organize everything that comes along and perform an exciting and wonderful task as you do every year.

I would like to start this letter and remind you about my good will and warm heart. This year I have cleaned vomit from a wide range of John and Jane Doe's, wiped menstruation stains from the many Indians who have seated in my jump seat while waiting for the toilet. I politely beard each spit and barf from almost every Chinese that sat down in my sector while I smiled to every nasty and jealous East European Purser that I had to work with while playing stupid to the plane-boring jokes of every Australian wanna-be-recruiter crew.

I have dealt with a nasty divorce; cried my soul out in the bathroom of each flight missing what I lost. I packed my life in many boxes and just finished with one. I had to be very strong to the wide variety of comments of a close minded society in which each time I confesed that I am divorced I had to stand up as if I had a terminal disease that would never have a cure. I had to give explanations to the very non charming Indian Manager about why I wanted to go back to the last place where I found myself as if she were to be God’s inspector. I had to close my eyes and overcome each time some of my fellow colleagues looked at me with pitiful eyes thanks to the inspector’s open mouth.

Not only had I learned to build longer walls greater than the Great Chinese but also I understood the meaning of each brick. With no regrets, Dear Santa, I smiled and embraced every situation as if I were to be an emotional kamikaze of my own paths. So if you kindly take all of that into consideration I would like to ask you for the next gifts:

To start with I would like, if possible, not to work with any female crew in my upcoming rosters. My system doesn’t stand any more bitch drama, fuzz or menstrual competition of who has the strongest flow.

In addition I would like to have a third gay friend. Those are loyal, ground braking souls and people that you may actually trust > something that is almost a hidden treasure.

Last but not least I would like to have a normal sleeping patron were I may close my eyes and with the blink of a dream fall into a deep sleep for 8 hours in a row without any hot flashes, goosebumps or disorientation.

And of course I also want world peace and a Mac.

Hope you have a wonderful transpolar flight to every one of your destinations and watch out for Ebola or any missing rocket.

Take care!


(I don´t own the above picture)