martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

This month Gossip: November 2013

Gossip has been always part of the human communication. We all do it in our language and codes; crew has their own codes. This month gossip:

US Airways about Singapore Airlines: when I went to the plastic surgeon I told him “make me the waste line as a Singapore Airlines crew”

Singapore Airlines about Qatar Airways: (giggles)

Qatar Airways about Alitalia: they may get married, divorced and they won´t get burned by Management

Alitalia about Virgin Atlantic: we Armani you Westwood

Virgin Atlantic about Lufthansa: they do hard while Management makes us whisper

Lufthansa about Iberia: when we strike we do it on time

Iberia about Air France: I feel fat

Air France about United Airlines: Americans? No, we don´t McDonalds 

United Airlines about Emirates: the Ginny in a bottle with matching unifooooooorrrrmsss!

(I don´t own the above picture)

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