miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

Spot Alert: India, New Delhi International Airport by fashion_lawyer (Instagram account)

Oh I lived this experience on the above mentioned Delhi trip. We had checked in online and printed our boarding passes. For some strange reason, they let us through the customs and stamped passports for exit. When we came to security, they have to stamp the boarding pass and it so turns out that they don't stamp printed ones, only old school ones. We were running short on time and were worried we would miss the flight but they allowed me to go back out and collect the old school boarding passes. That was not so easy because going in the wrong direction, everyone wanted an explanation to what was happening before letting me reverse one step. Finally I hear a Finnair uniformed woman speaking on her radio with what I think is security and she is walking with two old school boarding passes in her hand - I nearly jump on her with joy and she tells me she knew that we were checked in so she was waiting for us at the counter to come and collect them. Then she escorted us straight to the gate and we were the last peoe to board the plane. Needless to say, we would not have had this treatment had we not flown in business. They would have just let us miss. @iamtiredofsmilingatyou
Oh and it's true about coming in to the terminal as well, and the same thing goes for Senegal. You know you can have a business ticket with a changed date and you have the original confirmation, they don't let you through. But my Delhi experience (once actually in) was an unexpected nightmare.@iamtiredofsmilingatyou
Lot's of passenger each day loose their flights in that airport. Not only is one of the most crowded airports in the world but also it has 6 different security check points. Also the fact that everything is managed by indians doesn't make things easier. They simply lack of education or interest in helping out the passenger and they get very easily offended (specially if they become nervous by the situation that they feel is going beyond there reach - situations that may be very common and frequent for any international airport). The best way is to be patient, very patinet and be at the airport prior 6 hours to your flight. Also depending where you are in the airport the VIP lounge could be in the middle of one of the security check points and once you went through that not very easily you can go back. So ask several times where is the lounge located as staff may provide different indication of where it actually is - advice: check beforehand, call in the Hotel to the airport and ask for the lounge so they may indicate you how to get there / or kindly ask concierge - guest service to do so. India is a very exotic destination to go but you have to be very aware of your surroudings, it's not like going to Bali.
@fashion_lawyer thank you for sharing you experience : )
Haha you are so right about them getting offended while nervous! My best confusion in Delhi was going through security once. They saw a metal item in my hand bag and asked to take it out. It was my car key. "Lady, wott is dis?" "It's a car key" "A car?" "No, it's the key to my car" "We don see da car lady" "it's because I only carry the key with me" "oh key. Ookey oookey key. Ooookey lady". @iamtiredofsmilingatyou
Lol yeah...even crew sometimes have problems...do u mind if i post ur comment in the blog and facebook, putting your instagram account so people may know from your experience? @fashion_lawyer
Please go ahead! Happy to amuse @iamtiredofsmilingatyou

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